Enhance your mental and physical health. Optimise your life.

Oxygen Advantage Instructor Logo

A science based training program designed to retrain your breath for better sleep, health and wellbeing.

Breathing is essential to life. Good breathing is essential to a good life. The oxygen you take in with every breath circulates around your body, fuelling your brain and other organs.

But how well do you actually breathe? 

You may never have considered how better breathing can improve functional movement, balance your autonomic nervous system and improve your heart rate variability.

Those of us with narcolepsy or other sleep disorders face extra challenges in life already. It’s vital to get the basics like breathing right.

Functional breathing training will help you build respiratory fitness and enhance your physical and mental well-being.

Does this sound like you?

- You have sleep apnea or poor sleep

- You feel breathless or asthmatic during exercise, or even when at rest

- You’re frequently stressed or anxious

- Your nose is blocked throughout the day or when you’re sleeping

- Your energy is low throughout the day

- You suffer from a range of chronic illnesses in addition to a sleep disorder

Imagine instead if you could…

  • Minimise or eliminate asthma

  • Breathe more easily and effectively

  • Breathe freely through a clear nose

  • Improve aerobic and anaerobic capacity

  • Enhance blood circulation to the brain and organs 

  • Reduce episodes of sleep apnea

  • Reduce stress and build resilience

  • Sleep better and increase your energy

  • Transform your physical and mental wellbeing

  • Increase oxygen uptake and delivery to the cells


Invincible Breathing for Narcolepsy

Invincible Breathing for Narcolepsy training program teaches scientifically proven methods and breathing exercises to make you fitter, healthier and stronger. So you can improve recovery from illness and live more fully with chronic conditions.

The course consists of 4 online sessions, plus a course workbook with downloadable videos explaining the science as well as the exercises from each module.

Every breathing exercise is demonstrated and explained in short easy to follow videos.

You will learn

  • The Oxygen Advantage® technique - a unique, simple series of protocols that can be used at rest and during exercise

  • How to breathe the right way - the way your body was designed to breathe

  • How carbon dioxide and nitric oxide affect you during functional breathing

  • How to use the breath to reduce physical, mental & emotional stress within the body

  • How to use the Body Oxygen Level Test (BOLT) to measure your body’s sensitivity to carbon dioxide and your breathlessness

  • The importance of nose breathing when awake or asleep to optimise health and well-being

  • How light, slow and deep breathing can prevent and reduce a range of common illnesses

  • How breathing can boost energy, sharpen focus and cognitive function

What the Course is About…

Module One

The Science

- Functional Breathing and its benefits

- Understanding Breathing Mechanics

- The Science of Respiratory Physiology

- The Functions of Carbon Dioxide

- Understanding the Body Oxygen Level Test (BOLT)

The Practice

- Performing the Body Oxygen Level Test (BOLT)

- Warm Up Breathing

- Breathe Light (Biochemistry)

- Incorporating nasal and reduced volume breathing during warm-up

- Nose breathing during physical exercise

- Mouth taping at night

Module Two

The Science

- Functional breathing vs dysfunctional breathing

- The benefits of diaphragmatic breathing

- Posture and spinal stabilisation

The Practice

- Breathe Light (Biomechanics)

- Warm-Up and Recovery Breathing

- Functional Breathing during walking

- Decongesting the nose

Module Three

The Science

- Optimising the parasympathetic and sympathetic balance

- Stimulating the Vagus Nerve

- Improving breathing efficiency

- Enhancing Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

The Practice

- Breathe Light (Cadence)

- Functional Breathing during walking

- Warm-up breathing during physical exercise

- Breathing exercise for people with anxiety and panic disorder

Module Four

The Science

- Sleep disorders and breathing

- Up and down regulation of stress

- Buteyko Belts and Sports Masks

- Nasal Dilators

The Practice

- Breathe Light (Light, Slow, Deep)

- Functional Breathing during jogging

- Slow Breathing cupping hands

- Breathing to destress

Plus Even More

Your course is more than just these four sessions. Sign up now and you’ll receive the following bonus resources.

woman doing yoga meditating


Three additional programs tailored to specific BOLT Scores enabling the continuing development of your functional breathing regardless of starting point

profile of head with plus symbols


Eight bonus breathing exercises to further improve your functional breathing and enhance your physical and mental well-being

three dimensional graphic of man meditating


Five guided breathing meditations to combine mindfulness with your breathing training.

Ready to breathe better and live better?

Meet the Teacher

Paul Poulos - founder of Narcolepsy Life Academy

I’m Paul Poulos, the founder of the Narcolepsy Life Academy.

I’ve been exploring the power of the breath for many years and know first hand how awareness of breath and learning how to breath the right way can help optimize your physical and mental wellbeing with Narcolepsy.

I am a certified Oxygen Advantage® Functional Breathing Instructor and passionate about sharing the benefits of learning how to breathe functionally and supporting people with Narcolepsy to enhance their physical, mental and emotional well-being.


Sign Up For the Course

Invincible Breathing

$80 usd

Next Course Schedule

TBC Week 1 Module 1
TBC Week 2 Module 2
TBC Week 3 Module 3
TBC Week 4 Module 4

Course Details

Format: 4 x 45 minute group classes
Where: Online via Zoom
Time: 12:00 PM
Time Zone: AEST
Participants: Maximum of 12

Can’t make the dates?

Try these self-paced online courses which you may enjoy and benefit from:

Mindful Living

Living your best YOU

Other questions? Get in touch with me and we can chat.

thirty day money back guarantee

You will absolutely love the Invincible Breathing for Narcolepsy course and with consistent practice you will experience positive changes to your well-being.

We’re sure of that. In fact, if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied, no problem, we offer a 30-day no-questions asked money back guarantee.

Read the FAQ’s

  • This is a 4 week course and is designed to progressively build each week to develop your respiratory fitness.

  • Group Workshops held over Zoom with recordings available should you miss a session.

  • Yes. The Oxygen Advantage® Functional Breathing technique is underpinned by rigorous science and references. The technique has been developed by Patrick McKeown, one of the leading world experts in this field.

  • This training requires about 15 to 30 minutes a day of consistent practice to develop your respiratory fitness.

  • Many breath work techniques like the Wim Hof Technique teach stress adaption through breath holds.

    The key difference with the Oxygen Advantage® Functional Breathing Technique is that the stress adaption is taught in a gentle and controlled way.

  • Of course! Please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to answer them.

Are you ready to live and breathe better?